September 18, 2019 by shaik zillani QuestionAnswerQuestionHow do you install Jenkins master slave setup?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat are alternatives to Jenkins?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionHow to setup email integration in Jenkins?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat are different types of Jenkins plugins?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat kind of issues occur in Jenkins?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat are triggers?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat are different types of Jenkins jobs?AnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionHow do you secure Jenkins?AnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionWhat are different types of Jenkins jobs?Answer DSL QuestionAnswerQuestionWrite a sample Jenkins fileAnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionHow to create backups in Jenkins?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionHow to create backups in Jenkins?AnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionHow to create backups in Jenkins?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat are scripted Pipeline?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat are declarative Pipeline?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionCan you write a sample groovy script?Answer QuestionAnswerQuestionWhat is the difference between CI/CD/CDelivery?Answer Pipeline QuestionAnswerQuestionHow do you setup a Jenkins Pipeline?Answer System Testing QuestionAnswerQuestionCreate a Jenkins pipeline to containerize a full stack application on kubernetesAnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionCreate a Jenkins pipeline to containerize a full microservice on kubernetes environmentAnswerQuestionAnswerQuestionCreate a Jenkins job for jmeter and metricsAnswer