In this blog post I will show you how to install Metasploit framework on kali linux or ubuntu. The Metasploit Project’s best-known creation, is a software platform for developing, testing, and executing exploits for security purpose.
sudo apt-get update
Lets download and install the framework using the command below,
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rapid7/metasploit-omnibus/master/config/templates/metasploit-framework-wrappers/msfupdate.erb chmod 755 msfinstall ./msfinstall
There will be around 170-180 Mb data downloaded, so this can take a few minutes depending on your internet speed. If you get the below error, unable to connect to the database
, this means that you don’t have postgres SQL installed. So, Let’s go ahead and install postgresql

In Order to install postgresql, use the command below,
sudo apt-get update sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Finally, after the installation is complete, start the service using below command,
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
Now, Let’s retry the launch by running, msfconsole

That’s it! You should be good to go with penetration testing using metasploit framework on kali linux. Please do check out other blog posts on goacademy