
commit 9a0fb88031d65(HEAD -> master) Third commit commit 598202a5e1ce0 Second commit commit 8bdd989b96368 First commitNow, I want to Squash both of them into a single commit i.e; I want to squash
Third commit
into Second commit
. Use the command below,git rebase -i HEAD~2This will open up a shell window as shown below
pick 598202a Second commit pick 9a0fb88 Third commitand you need to replace
with s
as shown below and save and exit.pick 598202a Second commit s 9a0fb88 Third commitThis will open up a shell window as shown below,
# This is a combination of 2 commits. # This is the 1st commit message: Second commit # This is the commit message #2: Third commitJust delete the squashed commit message and other text can also be deleted as below; save and exit,
Second commitFinally, we have squashed Third commit into Second commit. Now, if you do
git log
you should see that the commit has been squashed as shown below,commit aa1b27974570c85(HEAD -> master) Second commit commit 8bdd989b963682a0 First commit
Squashing more than two commits
If I need to do this for more than two commits into a single one, then increase the rebase count on HEAD, for instance, if you need to squash3
commits into 1
then use command below,git rebase -i HEAD~3And while picking up you need to replace
with s
on both the commits which needs to be squashed. That’s it.Checkout more tags @gitopscentral.com